Special Offers
The below offers are valid until the end of June 2021.
Herbalife Healthy Breakfast Package
The carefully chosen selection of products included in this Healthy Breakfast Package provides you w..
Herbalife Vegan Package
The carefully chosen selection of products included in this Vegan Package provides you with an effec..
Herbalife Duo Package
The carefully chosen selection of products included in this Duo Package provides you with an effecti..
Herbalife Ultimate Package
The carefully chosen selection of products included in this Ultimate Package provides you with an ef..
Herbalife Formula 1 Shake (550g 2x Pack)
A monthly supply of your favourite low calorie meal! 2 packs are enough for more than 40 meals, whic..
Herbalife Formula 1 Shake (500g 4x Pack)
Your package of choice for always having healthy, low calorie meals at hand. 4 Formula 1 packs are e..